You Are Not Alone
Getting help from someone who has experience working within different systems can make things easier for you. An advocate is there to help empower and discuss options, not make decisions for you. You are the expert in your own life and the only one who knows what is right and safe for you.
Domestic violence and sexual violence service providers may offer: 24-hour hotlines, legal advocacy, counseling, emotional support, information and referral services, transitional housing, emergency shelter and assistance with appointments to court or the hospital for a forensic rape exam.
Advocates understand the different systems you may interact with: Criminal Justice, Law Enforcement, Family Court, Social Services, Healthcare and Community Resources.
To talk to an advocate, contact the NYS Domestic and Sexual Violence Hotline: call 800.942.6906, text 844.997.2121 or click the link above to chat live. All conversations are confidential, secure and available 24/7 in most languages.
Financial concerns are a barrier to safety for victims and survivors of domestic violence. Through Survivors Access Financial Empowerment (SAFE) funds, survivors can access flexible funding for a range of unique needs. With low barrier requirements, this funding can be provided quickly to address immediate crises.
Use this interactive tool to help lower your risk of being hurt by your partner.
New York’s Address Confidentiality Program allows victims of domestic violence...
Learn more about how students can get help on college campuses in NYS.