To enhance the safety of college campuses by providing guidance to students and college officials on reporting, investigating and addressing sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence and/or stalking in order to enhance campus security and the well-being of the campus population.
Duties and Responsibilities
The Office of Campus Safety works with New York State colleges and universities to determine best practices in relation to responding to, investigating and adjudicating student reports of domestic violence, sexual assault, dating violence and stalking. The Office of Campus Safety works with community-based advocacy organizations to enhance the collaboration between them and the colleges in their areas related to student access, student referral and student outreach. The Office of Campus Safety also makes recommendations regarding policies and legislation to allow for continuous improvement of campus responses to sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence and stalking.
Enough is Enough
College students deserve a safe, healthy, and nurturing environment free from discrimination and violence. In July 2015, New York established Enough is Enough to address sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, and stalking on college campuses. Enough is Enough was one of the first laws in the country to require:
- All colleges to adopt a set of comprehensive procedures and guidelines.
- A uniform definition of affirmative consent.
- A statewide amnesty policy for bystanders or victims who report sexual assault.
- A student’s bill of rights.
- All campuses undertake campus climate surveys as well as prevention and awareness training.
The law also created the Enough is Enough funding program to support rape crisis programs to support colleges and universities' response and prevention needs. Today, NYSOPDV oversees the Enough is Enough funding program, funding 52 rape crisis programs across the state to help provide services to student survivors of sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence and stalking, as well as support colleges' implementation of the Enough is Enough law. Funded programs work to prevent campus sexual violence via education programming that considers the root causes of gender-based violence, promotes bystander intervention, and promotes healthy relationships. They provide student victims with trauma-informed advocacy, counseling, case management and safety planning services.
For more information: email [email protected].
Contact Information
For more information about the Office of Campus Safety, please contact:
Jara Traina, General Counsel and the Director of the Bureau of Law and Public Safety
[email protected] / (518) 457-0431
To report a sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence or stalking within a NYS college campus to law enforcement, please contact the New York State Police Campus Sexual Assault Hotline:
Call: 844-845-7269
To speak to an advocate, please contact the New York State Domestic and Sexual Violence Hotline:
Call: 800-942-6906
Text: 844-997-2121
Chat: at opdv.ny.gov