Domestic Violence Awareness Month is an opportunity to start the conversation about this important issue in all aspects of your life and show those impacted by domestic violence they are not alone. Whether you share the NYS Domestic and Sexual Violence Hotline number, learn more about technology-facilitated abuse and financial abuse, join one of our Domestic Violence 101 trainings, or wear purple on October 17 for #PurpleThursday, this page is designed to share ways you can be ally this October and all year long!
DVAM 2024: The Intersections of Technology Facilitated Abuse and Financial Abuse
Did you know that financial abuse occurs in 99% of DV situations and technology facilitated abuse occurs in 99% of DV and GBV situations?
This DVAM, OPDV is focusing on the warning signs and dangers of Digital Financial Abuse. Digital Financial Abuse is the misuse of financial technologies or misusing digital access to finances to exert power and control over another. On average, U.S. households own 21 connected devices, such as smartphones, computers, cloud-based voice services, and much more! Many of these devices will have app access to survivors’ banking, shopping, cash apps, etc. In order to best support survivors, we must learn more about Digital Financial Abuse and how to prevent it. Follow OPDV all month long to learn more!
This Month's Highlights
Here are the highlights for this month’s activities:
Every week in October: Domestic Violence 101. Register today!
Every Thursday in October: LGBTQI+ Webinar series. Register today!
October 2: New York State Assets lit up in purple
October 15-17: The New York State Clothesline Project in the Empire State Plaza Concourse. The exhibit will focus on providing a platform for survivors to help them break the silence surrounding their abuse.
October 17: Wear purple in honor of #PurpleThursday!
October 17: New York State Assets lit up in purple
- October 30-31: Domestic Violence Lethality: Learn the Signs and What They Mean
This two-day summit will provide law enforcement, attorneys, social services staff, gender-based violence services providers, and other professionals with the tools needed to assess danger in domestic violence cases and use that information to respond in a survivor-centered, trauma-informed, culturally responsive way. The event is co-hosted by the New York State Office for the Prevention of Domestic Violence (OPDV) and the Division of Criminal Justice Services (DCJS).
- All October: A social media campaign on the intersections of technology facilitated abuse and financial abuse. Follow us all month long to learn more!
DVAM 2024: Be a Better Ally
It can be hard to have the tough conversations with those you care about, but when you have the right tools, you can make a difference. Visit OPDV’s online Start the Conversation: Be a Better Ally digital toolkit to learn more!
Go Purple!
October 17 is #PurpleThursday in recognition of survivors! Wear purple, hang purple lights, and make sure to tell others why purple is so important on this day! All month long keep an eye on the night sky as NYS landmarks are illuminated in purple.
Post on Social Media
Follow @NYSOPDV on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn and engage with posts by sharing, liking, and commenting using the hashtags #DigitalFinancialAbuse and #DVAM2024. You can also post the social media graphics below and show the people who follow you that you’re an ally to survivors. When posting, always include information for the NYS Domestic and Sexual Violence Hotline which can be reached 24/7 in most languages: Call 800.942.6909, Text 844.997.2121, or chat at opdv.ny.gov.
DVAM Statistics Facebook/X/LinkedIn Posts
DVAM Statistics Instagram Posts
Adopt a Gender-Based Violence and the Workplace Policy
Domestic and sexual violence are pervasive in American society and can have a negative impact in the workplace.
OPDV is working to ensure that employers in New York can support employees who are survivors of domestic and gender-based violence. Employers have an obligation to provide a safe and helpful work environment that responds to their employee’s needs. It’s important for everyone to do what they can to help put an end to domestic and sexual violence. OPDV offers resources for private employers to support employees in the workplace. Visit OPDV’s Gender-Based Violence and the Workplace resource page to learn more!
Know the Resources
Did you know that every county in New York State has a domestic violence program? Did you know that there are tons of resources available for victims and survivors from Orders of Protection and Address Confidentiality Programs to Financial Assistance and legal advocacy? Talk to an advocate today to learn more about what’s available, and make sure to share this information with the survivors in your life.
Did you know that every county in New York State has a domestic violence program? Did you know that there are tons of resources available for victims and survivors from Orders of Protection and Address Confidentiality Programs to Financial Assistance and
Many people who have experience domestic and gender-based violence either don’t know who to turn to or have had bad experiences when they’ve reached out for help. Your willingness to help can be important to a victim in their safety planning efforts. But while being willing and well-meaning is good, being ready to offer the kind of help that’s needed, while keeping yourself safe, is even better.
Initiate a conversation in private and when you have enough time to talk at length, but if they want to.
Let go of any expectations you have that there is a “quick fix”. Not doing anything may very well be the safest thing they can do at any given time.
Challenge false attitudes and beliefs that you may have about domestic and gender-based violence.
Believe victims and let them know that you do. If you know the person who has or is abusing them, it may be hard to believe that they are capable of abuse but remember that abusers typically act differently in public than they do in private.
Listen to what they tell you. Avoid judgments and giving advice. They will let you know what they need.
Refer them to a service provider who can provide necessary medical attention, counseling or emotional support, safety planning, housing and discuss their options.
Build on their strengths. Point out the ways in which they have developed ways to cope, solved problems, and showed courage and determination.
Validate feelings. It is common for victims to have conflicting feelings- love and fear, guilt and anger, hope and sadness. Let them know that these feelings are normal.
Avoid victim-blaming. Tell the victim that the abuse is not their fault.
Take it seriously. If you are concerned about their safety, tell them you are concerned without judgment by simply saying, “Your situation sounds dangerous, and I’m concerned about your safety.”
Offer help. Offer specific forms of help and information, such as providing childcare, driving them to appointment, or assisting with pets.
Give them control. Abuse and assault take control away from victims. Support their decisions about who to tell, what steps to take, and what types of support they need. Additionally, asking before offering physical support such as hugs and being upfront about what support you can and cannot provide allows them to take control of their safety and next steps.
Support and respect their decisions. Remember that there are risks were every decision a victim makes and there is no one way an individual must react to abuse or assault. If you really want to be helpful, be patient and respect their decisions, even if you don’t agree with them.