About Gender-Based Violence

harm, or threats to harm, committed against a person based on sex, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression or other related characteristics
Gender-Based Violence

Gender-based violence is harm, or threats to harm, committed against a person(s) based on actual or perceived sex, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression or other such sex/gender related characteristics.

Gender-based violence may include physical, sexual, emotional, psychological and financial abuse, or threats of abuse. People of all genders, sexual orientations and gender-identities may experience gender-based violence, but women and girls are impacted the most.

Gender refers to how gender-identity is experienced in society. It is a cultural and legal term referring to society’s expectations. There are expectations about how people of different genders should act, dress, speak and behave. These expectations create gender roles and stereotypes. Society has very specific cultural ideas about what it means to be a man or a woman, and there is little acceptance for differences within these choices.


Gender-Based Violence Looks Different for Everyone
This is Gender-Based Violence
Domestic Violence

A pattern of behavior used by an individual to establish and maintain power and control over their intimate partner. The behavior includes abusive tactics, threats and actions that may or may not rise to the level of criminal behavior. The tactics may include physical, emotional, financial and sexual abuse. 



Sexual Violence

Sexual activity without consent such as sexual harassment, rape or assault.



Human Trafficking

Using force, fraud or coercion to force someone into labor or sex work.

Anyone Can Be a Victim

People of all genders, sexual orientations and gender-identities may experience gender-based violence, but women and girls are impacted the most.

Gender-Based Violence Doesn't Discriminate
This is Also Gender-Based Violence
Reproductive Coercion

Controlling someone’s reproduction by forcing pregnancy, forcing pregnancy termination or tampering with birth control.


The unwanted pursuit of another person using harassing or threatening behavior.

Child Abuse

Child abuse connected to gender-based violence is harm or violence against a child because of their gender.

If You Are a Victim of Gender-Based Violence
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